In my congregation " Eldership" was very conservative.
All self respecting elders had a middle glass home, in most cases it helped not to have kids.
Genuinr love and compssion was a weakness.
the borg has many inconsistencies, when the topic is helping humble and honest people achieve their full potential.
consider a working man who works 40 to 60 hours a week and still manages to show up to all the meetings, participate, do all of his assigned work within the kh, but his ministry has slipped to 8 hours per month.
this same man is working hard to move up within the ranks only to get shut down without even knowing.. .
In my congregation " Eldership" was very conservative.
All self respecting elders had a middle glass home, in most cases it helped not to have kids.
Genuinr love and compssion was a weakness.
if you don't know, km's are now online too.
under the heading, "i cannot find him at home again!
" it mentions how a text message or email is to be counted as a return visit.
I have not read the thread.( time does not permit)
But for the eldely this is a very loving message.
Now in England and the selling of kingdom halls, getting to meetings may become difficult.
But dont worry you have recordings of the meetings, to listen too. ( we care)
calling all tos, tng, ds9, voyager, or enterprise fans, what's your favorite serries and why?
and what's your favorite episode and why?.
(too many choices on netflix for me to decide which to watch right now).
What made " origional" Star Trek, was the Chemistry, betweeen Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.
Shame the show got cancelled halfway through season 3. It was replaced by Lost In Space uggggg
when i started the fade....i recognize that i was upset, mainly because of the desillusionment.
but, over the course of the past several months, i am noticing an increasing anger toward all thing org.
it can only be described as indignation, not simply upset.
Seperation of Powers:-
To answer your O.P:-
Why should i be afraid to die?
Why should i be angry with the org?
Both in my opinion dont exist:-
Death is non existence
The ORG, like death never really existed?
So i think anger can only exist if it has something real to be angry with.
The " org" only exists in the false thinking of people. When you start getting angry, is when you see what you are angry with does not even exist.
Shakespeare " To be or not to be..... that is the question." ?
Anger only exists if you are not being you.
what is important to you and why?.
maybe i should begin with a few suggestions:-.
what a beautiful post.
I used too look forward to my " chicken wings" and " Agnus stake"
Now i agree with Morrissey...
"Do you know how animals die,
then its not succulent tasty or nice"
what is important to you and why?.
maybe i should begin with a few suggestions:-.
My O.P was:-
What is important to you and why?
Well my life is important to me. ( it may be the only life i have?)
My life will never be perfect. ( Fact is it's often shity) but it's my life....
In fact i wake up each day happy to be a life...but i don't think that means things will go my way...( which is a pretty good attitude, because most days things dont go my way)
in another thread i raised the point " there are moderate muslims but their is no moderate islam".
now i must face the fact i have muslim friends who say they believe the koran.. well i have asked these muslim friends, if they have investigated the origins of the koran.
they have answerd " yes".
I am going to leave my O.P.
Why, time does not permit.
I wish Simon had a feature where we could close threads.
Anyway before i leave this thread. I think " religion, or anything we our minds too" trys to make us see it from that point of view.
I like being a person who fails to understand and see it from that point of view.
I mean i am happy with my point of view and if it's 70% right well then at least i am not a fanatic.
Now most people that are 100% right i remember from my J.W life.
hi everyone.. i think this is a big question.
but how would you answer it in the simpliest of terms?.
in simple terms my " goals " are :-.
My goal is not to start threads i realize i wont have time to control.
in another thread i raised the point " there are moderate muslims but their is no moderate islam".
now i must face the fact i have muslim friends who say they believe the koran.. well i have asked these muslim friends, if they have investigated the origins of the koran.
they have answerd " yes".
Simon and Cofty :The post you commented on would have faded away without comment.
My O.P is about cultural in our communities.
In other words my Muslim frineds owe nothing to " Islam" and i owe nothing to " Jehovers Witnessses"
I see a problem with immigration from Islamic countrries.
This is the O.P and your post" Bandontherun " has taken it of topic.
Back on topic " How do we cherish our national identity" in the land we live?
I have learnt my " national lands" identity was also repressive to women in my childhood.
Maybe it's best Simon closes this thread, it's too confrotational a subject for me to control.
in another thread i raised the point " there are moderate muslims but their is no moderate islam".
now i must face the fact i have muslim friends who say they believe the koran.. well i have asked these muslim friends, if they have investigated the origins of the koran.
they have answerd " yes".
The Koran contains 6,360 verses, collected in 114 suras, or chapters I think both " Cofty and Band on the Run" will agree thats a lot of legal blah, blah.
May i add on a legal point the Koran states that if someone needs witnessses for a legal matter, he has to find TWO men. " but if two men cannot be found, then one man snd two women"
So as a laywer i would say Islan views women as half the value as a man.
What value are women given in J.W land?
What value were women given in England in the 1940s, 50s 60s 70s 80s ect ...
My moderate muslim friends seem to have equal respect between husband and wife.